hectic couldn’t describe the day i had today. from 6am-6pm, its been non-stop on the edge work. i feel like my shoulders are up to my ears. i thought it would never end. but by early evening, the last call of the day was a good one. i was getting a final green light for a nightmare of a project. nobody know what i was dealing with till the end. i was pretty glad.

tomorrow i continue a few more work details. i’ll be able to start packing when we hand things off to the freelancer. for now, all i want to do is curl up and play with the kitties. i’m just really really tired. boo boo for me.

music: theologians – wilco

through the brick wall & space between houses, i heard the neighbors shouting in excitement late last night or early this morning. this morning that explains it.

holy crap, i’ve been up everyday by 6am doing as much work as i can. today we get a call for more new projects. the meeting is barely squeezed in the 2 days we have left. eeeek!

music: life on mars – david bowie

setting up
you know what causes a near heart attack? try dropping a $3k camera down some steps. yup, i did it! it was a surreal slow-mo moment. as i mistakenly released it from the tripod and it went thump, thumpty, thump-thump. M was sitting beside me. he had a big shock on his face while mouthing “oh, sh-it!!” N was on stage & shouted “M?? do something.” which would be to late to do anything cuz it had thumped down the steps already. to my surprise, G the owner of the camera didn’t really care. he said it was a tough camera and besides he’s already had a good run on it. shit! still. i can’t believe i did that. well, i’m happy to report that its fine & i taped a good run of the show. *wipe off sweat from forehead*
24hr korean bbq
after the last day of the show, we went to celebrate at the 24hr korean bbq. $300-something for 20 loud & obnoxious ppl (including myself) drunk on soju & kalbi. its been a long time since we’ve done this. good insane fun for all.

churros (w/ custard filling)
hhmmm…what did i do this weekend? worked all of saturday. had to install a new browser (mozilla/foxfire). becuz if u want to check out gap/br/old navy.com, u can’t without it. how stupid is that? dim sum-ed on sunday w/ some friends who’ll i’ll be meeting up on the other side of the world in a few weeks. tagged along on a dumpster dive for marble (the same stuff on counter tops & floors of a bank). i may have to actually go dive myself someday once when i think of what to do with them. picked up some grocery at the mexican store. continued w/ more work. had a moment of freakout so i had to sleep on it before finishing the project 6am this morning.

look who’s living the life of luxury?
caught these three, huddled in front of the window, soaking in some afternoon sun. cute.