reflecting on 2011

as 2011 comes to a near close, this year has gone by so fast i can barely get a stable footing to tell you what had happened.

Jan: i escaped midwest cold for some sunny san diego weather

Feb: Snow-meggedon!! took me almost a week to slowly dig way out to throw the trash.

Mar: snow was an after thought. no snow in sight!

April: panama city, panama

May: new york new york, happy to have witnessed alexander mcqueen’s amazing collection at the MET. The line as you can see (image below) wasn’t as bad as the last few days of exhibit, which went all the way out & around the museum.

June: gardening + sweltering in a few days of 100 degree weather

July: enjoying the summer

Aug: michigan wedding + nyc #2

Sept: discovering the golfing range and loving it!

Oct: in the midst of finishing a huge project but finding some wee moments to reconnect with friends over tea & dessert

Nov/Dec: birthdays & holidaze

i wouldn’t say 2011 was good or bad, but i’m hoping 2012 will bring out some great surprises.

Happy New Year!!